
来源: admin | 日期:2016.06.02

优景参加了广西科技大学和广西桂林科技大学的校园招聘。 超过300人参加了招聘活动,优景收集了100多份简历,主要是申请业务和工程师职位。 优景向参与者提供了大量的空缺职位,我们的招聘工作人员耐心地回答了他们的问题,帮助他们迈出职业生涯第一步。

There were 8 outstanding and talent candidates selected by Uniview recruit team and they would be arrived in June 2016. Uniview will arrange a series of pre-training programme and corporate culture introduction in order to ensure that they can get used to their career lives in Uniview as soon as possible. 

The recruitment activities were successfully held and obtained desired effect. It helps Uniview inject fresh blood and concrete a future development foundation. 

招聘活动成功举办并取得了预期的效果。 它有助于优景注入新鲜血液和未来稳固的发展基础。
